The doors that hide my guest bedroom (haha!) are original to the house, 18-pane leaded cast glass. So, they hide the innerworkings of the bed a decent amount, but without something behind the glass, the bed is still visible. See below for my quick and budget friendly solution.
I shopped around for some fabric, initially looking for a large-scale graphic print. However, I stumbled upon a textile at JoAnn Fabrics with large scale scripty foreign words, and immediately knew that was the direction I would head. Unfortunately, that textile was selling for $40+/yard... not in my budget. The DIY in me immediately knew I could pull off the look for much less.
I headed to the $1.99/yard, 36" muslin... much better... and snagged 4-1/2 yards of it with a 40% off coupon and headed home to begin my project. (I didn't need to buy any markers for this project, as I had a slew of permanent markers to choose from at home).
Next, I needed to find a scripty font to trace onto my muslin... I didn't trust my freehand enough to pull this one off. I visited and decided on a free font called Signerica Medium, which looks like this
From the get go, I knew I would write the words in German. It's my favorite language for many reasons and has a special place between me and my bestie (she even sent me a German Christmas card once!). I printed a handful of phrases about sleeping, dreaming and spending the night in different point sizes.
Next, I turned to the muslin. First, I washed (to take care of shrinkage) and ironed it. Then, I folded each end of the fabric over and sewed a straight line on my machine to make a pocket for the rod at the top and the bottom. After I tested the fit of each panel, I set out to trace the words.
There was no rhyme or reason to my placement of the words, only that I tried not to use the same phrases near each other and also tried to vary the phrases of different size for a random look.
Once all the words were traced, I hung the curtains and my project was complete! In just under 4 hours and for only about $5, my guest bed is hidden... unless someone wants to put it to use, of course! And an added bonus: when I move, I will be able to easily repurpose the fabric as a pillow cover or curtains for a guest room at my next place!
Have you DIY'd a print on a neutral fabric using markers or paint? Are you willing to splurge on a high end textile for a small project?
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